December 2024

Sivan Halevi is a qualified psychotherapist. She holds an Msc in Gestalt psychotherapy and is an accredited member of UKCP since 2005. She’s a qualified supervisorand has been supervising counselling trainees at the charity ‘Women & Health’ and in her own private practice since 2009. She completed a one-year course in Couples counselling in 2008, and has been working with adults, as well as with children and their parents for many years.

Photo of counselling course lecturer Sivan Halevi.

She started her therapeutic journey with a post-graduate three-year diploma in Dance Movement Therapy, which inspired her ongoing interest in the body as a key for understanding and expressing one’s own emotions, as well as being a vital tool for emotional regulating and for grounding oneself in the ’here and now’. She’s passionate about using Gestalt Creative Experiments in order to increase awareness and resolve ‘Unfinished Businesses’. Diagnostically, she explores with the clients their Styles of Moderating Contact and aspires to reintegrate disowned parts of the self with the hope of enabling the clients to become more fully who they are.

This exploratory and creative work is embedded in the principles of Dialogic Relationship, which steps away from interpretation and analysis of the client’s defences. Instead, it validates clients’ subjective experience, and strives for a non-hierarchical relationship, where both client and therapist’s perspectives of the relationship are attended to. Sivan views the therapeutic relationship, where clients may be helped to identify familiar patterns of relating, and have an opportunity to experience a new way of connecting to others, as one of the most powerful elements of the therapeutic work.