January 2025

Richard is a Consultant Psychotherapist working with many training agencies including Westminster Drug Project and The Samaritans. He is an accredited psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and counselling trainer who works with individuals (including adolescents), couples and groups. He specialises in relationship issues, abuse and trauma. He works both in London and in Brighton.

Photo of counselling course lecturer Richard Simpson

Although he has trained in a wide variety of psychotherapeutic models it is his ability to blend Gestalt methodology, Psychodynamic thinking, CBT, Transactional Analysis and EMDR into his practice that allows him to work in a truly inclusive and integrative way. He is currently working in private practice.

Richard is a compassionate, yet challenging, practitioner who demonstrates a high degree of insight, empathy and humour in his role as an educator which allows him to deliver instructional material in a practical, accessible and thought provoking way. He was once described as the "Jeremy Paxman" of psychotherapists. (He considers this a compliment.)